Within this Ninth Malaysia Plan, agricultural sector is about to achieve the first mission in the Ninth Malaysia Plan, that is to increase the value added in the country 's economy. The task of this agricultural sector shows that this sector is equal to the other economic sectors such as manufacturing and services. This mean that the agricultural sector in the Ninth Malaysia Plan must be developed, dynamic and viable compete as those outlined under the Third National Agriculture Policy.
New agricultural concepts are inspired by YAB Prime Minister’s presentation in RMK-9 can be seen as the most ideal implementation method which could realise this paradigm shift. New agricultural approach in this Ninth Malaysia Plan has features as following :-
a. Large scale commercial
b. Extensive use of modern technology
c. High quality production and high value added
d. Fully usage of the potential of biotechnology
e. Merger with information technology and communications
f. Involvement farming entrepreneur and skilled manpower
In accordance with the purpose of Third National Agriculture Policy and the vision of national’s highest leader, hopefully that this new agricultural approach will trigger the agriculture industrial current in our 9th Malaysia Plan. This revolution would be able to encourage the agricultural sector and to make it as one of nation’s generator for economic growth. To achieve this goal, the development in the agricultural sector Ninth Malaysia Plan will be implemented based on basic fundamental as follows:
1. Increase the agriculture production including the new growth resource exploitation with participation of bigger private sector
2. Expand the agriculture-based processing activity and product diversification
3. Strengthen marketing and global network
4. Increase the income of smallholders, farmer and fisherman; and
5. Improve the delivery system service.
Based on implementation basic fundamental of Ninth Malaysia Plan that prescribed, planning and implementation project and programme will be done to achieve 5 specific targets as follows:
a. Generate growth of value-added as many as 7.6% as compared with plantation sector contributions as many as 3.2%
b. Achieve the trade balance in food as many as RM 1.2 billion
c. Achieve growth value added for agro-based industry as many as 5.2%; and
d. Attract private investment as many as RM 20.1 billion to commercialise food sector production and agro-based industry.
e. Achieved the SSL’s target for commodities that has been aimed.
The translation of direction and Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan's basic fundamental will focus on efforts to achieve the ultimate goal and target which has been prescribed. Programmes and development projects in Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan that will be implemented are in accordance with the strategy as follows
i. Increase the production area for agro-food
ii. Develop new growth resources such as deep sea fish catch and tuna, seaweed, ornamental fish and all kinds of flowers
iii. Enhance agro-based industry
iv. Diversify the revenue resource of target group
v. Benefit the agro-biotechnology And marine biotechnology
vi. Increase the marketing capability
vii. Standard Compliance And International Quality
viii. Loan And Incentive Provision
ix. Concentration on Total Factor Productivity
By overall, the main target in the production development of agro food and side processing under this Ninth Malaysia Plan is to increase the farmer group, commercial and modern farmer and fisherman, as well as agro entrepreneurs to lead the development of agro food private sector driven, without neglecting the traditional farmer, where their capacity and production capacity will be enhanced so that they can be absorbed in this transformation process, and consequently, boost their productivity and income. The implementation of this 9th Malaysia Plan is parallel with the hope of nation’s highest leader to revolutionize and industrializing this agricultural sector to make it more modern, dynamic and viable compete.
Source: Bahagian Perancangan Strategik dan Antarabangsa, MOA
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