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Friday, July 16, 2010

Taraf hidup dan kos sara hidup

Selalu timbul persoalan perhubungan di antara taraf hidup dan kos sara hidup. Kos sara hidup merupakan pengiraan kos yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh seseorang, atau satu keluarga (jika telah berkeluarga) untuk memenuhi keperluan asas seperti makanan, pakaian dan tempat tinggal dan keperluan-keperluan untuk keselesaan hidup. Taraf hidup pula mengukur perbandingan di antara pendapatan boleh belanja yang diterima oleh seseorang atau satu keluarga yang tinggal serumah dengan kos sara hidup. Sekiranya peningkatan pendapatan berada pada kadar yang lebih rendah berbanding dengan kos sara hidup, bererti taraf hidup seseorang dikatakan semakin merosot. Begitulah sebaliknya, sekiranya taraf pendapatan meningkat pada kadar lebih tinggi dari kos sara hidup, taraf hidup dikatakan semakin meningkat.

Oleh yang demikian apabila kerajaan mengurangkan subsidi gula, petrol, “liquefied petroleum gas” (LPG) dan diesel pada hari ini, Jumaat, 16 Julai 2010 tentulah akan berlaku peningkatan kepada kos sara hidup penduduk Malaysia. Dilaporkan harga gula akan meningkat sebanyak 25 sen kepada RM1.75 sekilogram, LPG meningkat 10 sen kepada RM1.85 sekilogram, petrol RON95 meningkat 5 sen kepada RM1.85 seliter, dan diesel 5 sen kepada RM1.75 seliter. Maklumat ini boleh diperolehi dari PMO and PEMANDU websites, at: dan Perubahan dasar subsidi ini bersesuaian dengan usaha kerajaan mengurangkan perbelanjaan sebanyak RM750juta pada tahun 2010. Keadaan ini bermakna kerajaan semakin kurang memberikan tumpuan kepada pengawalan harga barangan keperluan, dan menuju kearah penentuan harga berdasarkan permintaan dan penawaran. Pelbagai strategi telah dibuat untuk menguatkan alasan kerajaan pengurangan subsidi tersebut seperti pengurangan subsidi gula akan menggalakkan gaya hidup sihat di kalangan rakyat Malaysia dengan pengurangan penggunaan gula dalam makanan dan minuman. Dilaporkan 40% rakyat Malaysia menghadapi masalah obesity. Begitu juga pengurangan subsidi akan mengurangkan keuntungan yang banyak diperolehi oleh pengeluar makanan, yang didapati dua kali ganda lebih banyak menggunakan gula berbanding dengan isirumah. Penggunaan kereta lebih kecil dan motorsikal juga dijangkakan akan meningkat. Begitu juga penyeludupan gula dan diesel di kawasan sempadan, terutamanya di sempadan Malaysia-Thailand akan berkurangan. Dilaporkan 200 metrik ton gula di jual ke negara jiran sepanjang tahun ini. Wang sebanyak RM750 juta itu dijanjikan akan dibelanjakan untuk perbelanjaan pendidikan dan penjagaan kesihatan.

Memang diketahui dasar pengurangan subsidi ini suatu dasar yang tidak popular, meyukarkan orang-ramai dan meningkatkan kos sara hidup. Apa yang pasti, harga barang makanan yang berasaskan gula akan meningkat, dan diikuti pula kos pengangkutan yang meningkat (lori menggunakan diesel untuk bergerak) akan meyebabkan pengeluar, pemborong dan peruncit menyerapkan kos tersebut kepada pengguna dengan menaikkan harga barangan akhir.

Pada pandangan saya, dasar subsidi memang perlu dikaji, tetapi dasar pengurangan subsidi perlu dibuat berhati-hati. Kepastian peningkatan taraf hidup dengan pengkajian lebih terperinci kepada dasar-dasar yang membawa kepada pengurangan produktiviti seperti pergantungan buruh asing yang keterlaluan, projek-projek mega yang tidak pasti pulangan ekonominya, ketirisan dalam perlaksanaan projek-projek pembangunan, ketidakseimbangan agihan pendapatan, dan perbelanjaan yang membazir dalam sambutan-sambutan perayaan tertentu seperti menyambut tahun baru dan pesta-pesta tidak berfaedah perlu dikawal dan dilaksakan dasar yang bersesuaian dan bertepatan dengan keadaan. Kenaikan kos sara hidup tanpa kenaikan pendapatan akan membawa kepada penurunan taraf hidup. Rakyat yang merosot taraf hidupnya akan memberikan tekanan dan mungkin membawa kepada peningkatan kejadian rasuah, penyelewengan wang awam dan kejadian jenayah.


Abdullah, Melaka said...

Salam Dr.
Bagi pandangan saya walaupun dengan meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat tidak menjamin keharmonian rakyat dengan kos sara hidup yang meningkat. Subsidi sepatutnya dikekalkan. Langkah sepatutnya dilakukan oleh kerajaan ialah :-
(1) Cara mengelolakan subsidi supaya sampai kepada rakyat dan bukannya kepada rakyat asing. Adakah rakyat tempatan perlu disalahkan atas masaalah subsidi ini.Caranya mungkin jika perlu kuatkuasa had pembelian barang subsidi dgn syarat-syarat pembelian seperti menggunakan kad pengenalan.
(2)Tentukan sistem penguatkuasaan di sempadan negara di Indonesia/Singapura/Thailand. Ini rakyat asing mudah berbelanja barang subsidi dengan had tertentu. Sepatutnya tidak dibenarkan melainkan ia bermalam melebihi beberapa hari tertentu.
(3) Penyeledupan yang ketara yang merugikan. Dengan kos sara hidup bertambah, ia menambahkan lagi penyelewengan berlaku.

Pada pandangan saya perkara diatas patut dilakukan oleh kerajaan bukannya membebankan rakyat. Adakah dengan penjimatan 750 juta dapat dirasai semua rakyat dengan pembangunan terpilih. Ia juga dirasai oleh rakyat asing dengan infra yang ada.

Amat malang bagi rakyat malaysia kerana terpaksa dibuaikan dengan alasan indah tapi ssbaliknya. Adakah harga barang takkan naik jika minyak petrol & disel & gula dah naik. Budak darjah 6 pun boleh beri jawapannya. Tidak terfikir ke rakyat yang hidupnya menanam padi, toreh getah, kias pagi makan pagi dll. Adakah taraf hidup mereka meningkat? Ia menjadi lebih teruk lagi. Ini lah akibatnya cerdik pandai yang hidup sebagai golongan atas membuat keputusan.

Juga harapan kita kerajaan dapat mencari jalan alternatif bagi mempastikan kos sara hidup rakyat tidak naik lagi atau ia akan menimbulkan masaalah yang lebih pada hidup rakyat berpendatan redah dan sederhana. Kesiani lah mereka.
Saya bukan menyokong mana2 parti politik cuma sedih dengan pandangan dan syur yang diberi oleh media cetak dan TV yang tertumpu pada golongan atasan saja. Mana ada minta pandangan rakyat miskin.

Ikhlas dari saya

Unknown said...

fro my point of view, no a good decision to reduced the subsidy's cost by increasing the price of RON 95, that is because if we look at the diesel always used by the firm as a cost of production in order to produce the final product/ services especially real estate company, construction company, travel agency and so on. If we look back during era DR Mahathir, he always trying to avoid to increase the price of diesel, that is because its will lead in increasing to all price of the final product/ services in our country. As a Dr said in your article above, when the income of the individuals still same but the cost of living keep on increasing, they tend to take a bribe, pickpocketing, etc in order to fulfill their consumption especially for a family and the requirement of their life.All these things will increase the social problems among our nations.So for me, the saving cost of RM 750million is not a good decision made by the government. Maybe, the government can increase the price of the others goods but not price of oil and gas.That all from me.TQ

desmondsum said...

Dr Jamal
Base on my opinion the government wanted to “adjust “ the commodities goods is sensible and acceptable but the problem is our people are ready to face the “adjustment” or not ?
Or all the Malaysian are know how important for the “adjustment” should implement ?

All of us knew the move made by the Malaysian government to adjust various subsidies that resulted in the rise of the prices of five commodities in the country will be not so welcome by the lower income people but for educated people and economist are much applauded as the initiative was believed to be able to draw more benefits to the people in long term.

According to the Chua Tia Guan, executive director of Great Vision Advisory Group in Malaysia, told the media, new paper government adjust the prices of RON 95 and RON 97 petrol, as well as diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and sugar to rise, the Malaysian government would be able to save 779.94 million ringgit (243.73 million U.S. dollars) a year on subsidies, and the Malaysian government still has to bear a huge amount of subsidies totaling 7.82 billion ringgit (2.44 billion U.S. dollars) a year after raising the prices of five commodities.
Channeling the amount of money saved 779.94 million ringgit to other means, such as expanding education access and providing improving the infrastructure or public facilities, this will be able to generate more rewards for the nation, but for lower income people they may not understand so mush what they know is the first impact is petrol price rise as their depended the Motorcycle to looking for money and yet the commodities, is the necessity purchase products, is day to day consume thing necessity goods like sugar, cooking oil, petrol, electricity and water. For this class of people in short run he only knew the Cost of living is increasing but the standard of living are remain unchanged.
(To be continue )
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

desmondsum said...

(continue from top)
No deniable that reducing subsidies would cause pain to the low income people but that would last only for a short period only and the members of the public should view the governments’ move as a reallocation of the country’s resources.
Base on my opinion the Malaysian government should immediately implement policies to mitigate the impacts of the recent price hike by providing allowances to motorbikes owners, car owners with engine capacity below 1,000cc, as well as the identified individuals from the low income group and only got the My Card IC people can enjoy the subsidies of the petrol’s. Not only that the public transport services must also improved to allow road users to opt for alternative means of transport, instead of having forced to drive and buy the expensive petrol’s, this can help the Malaysian people reduced the cost of living and increase the standard of living for the society.
And the government should let they know or educated all the Malaysian know how important of the “adjustment” for the subsidy mechanism is need and if do not act quickly what is the consequence we will face like government bankrupt, budget deficit and etc.
Lot of Malaysian economists also criticized the subsidy mechanism have distorted market conditions, causing a lot of wastages as the huge amount of subsidies spent will not generate any revenue for the Malaysian government.
Moving forward, government subsidies must be reduced so that more funds will be directed for development purposes furthermore we also need to let all the Malaysia know the current subsidy mechanism in the country was very ineffective because even foreigners also can enjoy the benefits of the subsidies like the Singaporean and Thai people, therefore, cutting government expenditure, including subsidies, is inevitable.
The Malaysian government must strike a balance between economic development and subsidies provision. but channeling subsidies to other development purposes may generate more income for the government.
According to the average inflation rate for the firth half year in Malaysia was 1.4 percent, and even with the increase of prices, the inflation rate for the entire 2010 in Malaysia was projected to lie in the range of 2 percent to 2.5 percent.
Thank you
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

desmondsum said...

(continue from top)
No deniable that reducing subsidies would cause pain to the low income people but that would last only for a short period only and the members of the public should view the governments’ move as a reallocation of the country’s resources.
Base on my opinion the Malaysian government should immediately implement policies to mitigate the impacts of the recent price hike by providing allowances to motorbikes owners, car owners with engine capacity below 1,000cc, as well as the identified individuals from the low income group and only got the My Card IC people can enjoy the subsidies of the petrol’s. Not only that the public transport services must also improved to allow road users to opt for alternative means of transport, instead of having forced to drive and buy the expensive petrol’s, this can help the Malaysian people reduced the cost of living and increase the standard of living for the society.
And the government should let they know or educated all the Malaysian know how important of the “adjustment” for the subsidy mechanism is need and if do not act quickly what is the consequence we will face like government bankrupt, budget deficit and etc.
Lot of Malaysian economists also criticized the subsidy mechanism have distorted market conditions, causing a lot of wastages as the huge amount of subsidies spent will not generate any revenue for the Malaysian government.
Moving forward, government subsidies must be reduced so that more funds will be directed for development purposes furthermore we also need to let all the Malaysia know the current subsidy mechanism in the country was very ineffective because even foreigners also can enjoy the benefits of the subsidies like the Singaporean and Thai people, therefore, cutting government expenditure, including subsidies, is inevitable.
The Malaysian government must strike a balance between economic development and subsidies provision. but channeling subsidies to other development purposes may generate more income for the government.
According to the average inflation rate for the firth half year in Malaysia was 1.4 percent, and even with the increase of prices, the inflation rate for the entire 2010 in Malaysia was projected to lie in the range of 2 percent to 2.5 percent.
Thank you
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

desmondsum said...

(continue from top)
No deniable that reducing subsidies would cause pain to the low income people but that would last only for a short period only and the members of the public should view the governments’ move as a reallocation of the country’s resources.

Base on my opinion the Malaysian government should immediately implement policies to mitigate the impacts of the recent price hike by providing allowances to motorbikes owners, car owners with engine capacity below 1,000cc, as well as the identified individuals from the low income group and only got the My Card IC people can enjoy the subsidies of the petrol’s. Not only that the public transport services must also improved to allow road users to opt for alternative means of transport, instead of having forced to drive and buy the expensive petrol’s, this can help the Malaysian people reduced the cost of living and increase the standard of living for the society.
And the government should let they know or educated all the Malaysian know how important of the “adjustment” for the subsidy mechanism is need and if do not act quickly what is the consequence we will face like government bankrupt, budget deficit and etc.

Lot of Malaysian economists also criticized the subsidy mechanism have distorted market conditions, causing a lot of wastages as the huge amount of subsidies spent will not generate any revenue for the Malaysian government.
Moving forward, government subsidies must be reduced so that more funds will be directed for development purposes furthermore we also need to let all the Malaysia know the current subsidy mechanism in the country was very ineffective because even foreigners also can enjoy the benefits of the subsidies like the Singaporean and Thai people, therefore, cutting government expenditure, including subsidies, is inevitable.

The Malaysian government must strike a balance between economic development and subsidies provision. but channeling subsidies to other development purposes may generate more income for the government.

According to the average inflation rate for the firth half year in Malaysia was 1.4 percent, and even with the increase of prices, the inflation rate for the entire 2010 in Malaysia was projected to lie in the range of 2 percent to 2.5 percent.
Thank you
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

desmondsum said...

(continue from top)
No deniable that reducing subsidies would cause pain to the low income people but that would last only for a short period only and the members of the public should view the governments’ move as a reallocation of the country’s resources.
Base on my opinion the Malaysian government should immediately implement policies to mitigate the impacts of the recent price hike by providing allowances to motorbikes owners, car owners with engine capacity below 1,000cc, as well as the identified individuals from the low income group and only got the My Card IC people can enjoy the subsidies of the petrol’s. Not only that the public transport services must also improved to allow road users to opt for alternative means of transport, instead of having forced to drive and buy the expensive petrol’s, this can help the Malaysian people reduced the cost of living and increase the standard of living for the society.
And the government should let they know or educated all the Malaysian know how important of the “adjustment” for the subsidy mechanism is need and if do not act quickly what is the consequence we will face like government bankrupt, budget deficit and etc.
Lot of Malaysian economists also criticized the subsidy mechanism have distorted market conditions, causing a lot of wastages as the huge amount of subsidies spent will not generate any revenue for the Malaysian government.
Moving forward, government subsidies must be reduced so that more funds will be directed for development purposes furthermore we also need to let all the Malaysia know the current subsidy mechanism in the country was very ineffective because even foreigners also can enjoy the benefits of the subsidies like the Singaporean and Thai people, therefore, cutting government expenditure, including subsidies, is inevitable.
The Malaysian government must strike a balance between economic development and subsidies provision. but channeling subsidies to other development purposes may generate more income for the government.
According to the average inflation rate for the firth half year in Malaysia was 1.4 percent, and even with the increase of prices, the inflation rate for the entire 2010 in Malaysia was projected to lie in the range of 2 percent to 2.5 percent.
Thank you
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

desmondsum said...

(continue from top)
No deniable that reducing subsidies would cause pain to the low income people but that would last only for a short period only and the members of the public should view the governments’ move as a reallocation of the country’s resources.
Base on my opinion the Malaysian government should immediately implement policies to mitigate the impacts of the recent price hike by providing allowances to motorbikes owners, car owners with engine capacity below 1,000cc, as well as the identified individuals from the low income group and only got the My Card IC people can enjoy the subsidies of the petrol’s. Not only that the public transport services must also improved to allow road users to opt for alternative means of transport, instead of having forced to drive and buy the expensive petrol’s, this can help the Malaysian people reduced the cost of living and increase the standard of living for the society.
And the government should let they know or educated all the Malaysian know how important of the “adjustment” for the subsidy mechanism is need and if do not act quickly what is the consequence we will face like government bankrupt, budget deficit and etc.
Lot of Malaysian economists also criticized the subsidy mechanism have distorted market conditions, causing a lot of wastages as the huge amount of subsidies spent will not generate any revenue for the Malaysian government.
Moving forward, government subsidies must be reduced so that more funds will be directed for development purposes furthermore we also need to let all the Malaysia know the current subsidy mechanism in the country was very ineffective because even foreigners also can enjoy the benefits of the subsidies like the Singaporean and Thai people, therefore, cutting government expenditure, including subsidies, is inevitable.
The Malaysian government must strike a balance between economic development and subsidies provision. but channeling subsidies to other development purposes may generate more income for the government.
According to the average inflation rate for the firth half year in Malaysia was 1.4 percent, and even with the increase of prices, the inflation rate for the entire 2010 in Malaysia was projected to lie in the range of 2 percent to 2.5 percent.
Thank you
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

Anonymous said...

(continue from top)
No deniable that reducing subsidies would cause pain to the low income people but that would last only for a short period only and the members of the public should view the governments’ move as a reallocation of the country’s resources.
Base on my opinion the Malaysian government should immediately implement policies to mitigate the impacts of the recent price hike by providing allowances to motorbikes owners, car owners with engine capacity below 1,000cc, as well as the identified individuals from the low income group and only got the My Card IC people can enjoy the subsidies of the petrol’s. Not only that the public transport services must also improved to allow road users to opt for alternative means of transport, instead of having forced to drive and buy the expensive petrol’s, this can help the Malaysian people reduced the cost of living and increase the standard of living for the society.
And the government should let they know or educated all the Malaysian know how important of the “adjustment” for the subsidy mechanism is need and if do not act quickly what is the consequence we will face like government bankrupt, budget deficit and etc.
Lot of Malaysian economists also criticized the subsidy mechanism have distorted market conditions, causing a lot of wastages as the huge amount of subsidies spent will not generate any revenue for the Malaysian government.
Moving forward, government subsidies must be reduced so that more funds will be directed for development purposes furthermore we also need to let all the Malaysia know the current subsidy mechanism in the country was very ineffective because even foreigners also can enjoy the benefits of the subsidies like the Singaporean and Thai people, therefore, cutting government expenditure, including subsidies, is inevitable.
The Malaysian government must strike a balance between economic development and subsidies provision. but channeling subsidies to other development purposes may generate more income for the government.
According to the average inflation rate for the firth half year in Malaysia was 1.4 percent, and even with the increase of prices, the inflation rate for the entire 2010 in Malaysia was projected to lie in the range of 2 percent to 2.5 percent.
Thank you
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

Anonymous said...

Dr Jamal
Base on my opinion the government wanted to “adjust “ the commodities goods is sensible and acceptable but the problem is our people are ready to face the “adjustment” or not ?
Or all the Malaysian are know how important for the “adjustment” should implement ?

All of us knew the move made by the Malaysian government to adjust various subsidies that resulted in the rise of the prices of five commodities in the country will be not so welcome by the lower income people but for educated people and economist are much applauded as the initiative was believed to be able to draw more benefits to the people in long term.
According to the Chua Tia Guan, executive director of Great Vision Advisory Group in Malaysia, told the media, new paper government adjust the prices of RON 95 and RON 97 petrol, as well as diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and sugar to rise, the Malaysian government would be able to save 779.94 million ringgit (243.73 million U.S. dollars) a year on subsidies, and the Malaysian government still has to bear a huge amount of subsidies totaling 7.82 billion ringgit (2.44 billion U.S. dollars) a year after raising the prices of five commodities.
Channeling the amount of money saved 779.94 million ringgit to other means, such as expanding education access and providing improving the infrastructure or public facilities, this will be able to generate more rewards for the nation, but for lower income people they may not understand so mush what they know is the first impact is petrol price rise as their depended the Motorcycle to looking for money and yet the commodities, is the necessity purchase products, is day to day consume thing necessity goods like sugar, cooking oil, petrol, electricity and water. For this class of people in short run he only knew the Cost of living is increasing but the standard of living are remain unchanged.
(To be continue )
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

Anonymous said...

(continue from top)
No deniable that reducing subsidies would cause pain to the low income people but that would last only for a short period only and the members of the public should view the governments’ move as a reallocation of the country’s resources.
Base on my opinion the Malaysian government should immediately implement policies to mitigate the impacts of the recent price hike by providing allowances to motorbikes owners, car owners with engine capacity below 1,000cc, as well as the identified individuals from the low income group and only got the My Card IC people can enjoy the subsidies of the petrol’s. Not only that the public transport services must also improved to allow road users to opt for alternative means of transport, instead of having forced to drive and buy the expensive petrol’s, this can help the Malaysian people reduced the cost of living and increase the standard of living for the society.
And the government should let they know or educated all the Malaysian know how important of the “adjustment” for the subsidy mechanism is need and if do not act quickly what is the consequence we will face like government bankrupt, budget deficit and etc.
Lot of Malaysian economists also criticized the subsidy mechanism have distorted market conditions, causing a lot of wastages as the huge amount of subsidies spent will not generate any revenue for the Malaysian government.
Moving forward, government subsidies must be reduced so that more funds will be directed for development purposes furthermore we also need to let all the Malaysia know the current subsidy mechanism in the country was very ineffective because even foreigners also can enjoy the benefits of the subsidies like the Singaporean and Thai people, therefore, cutting government expenditure, including subsidies, is inevitable.
The Malaysian government must strike a balance between economic development and subsidies provision. but channeling subsidies to other development purposes may generate more income for the government.
According to the average inflation rate for the firth half year in Malaysia was 1.4 percent, and even with the increase of prices, the inflation rate for the entire 2010 in Malaysia was projected to lie in the range of 2 percent to 2.5 percent.
Thank you
Melaka Rezzen UUM MBA
SUM Wee Min (806395)

Anonymous said...

Kenaikan harga petrol RON 97 & 95 , diesel, gula serta cecair gas masakan secara terus menjadi pemangkin kenaikan harga barangan. Apa sudah jadi dengan nilai duit seringgit kita. Semakin sukar kita nikmati nilai harga sekeping seringgit 1 Malaysia. Semua barang keperluan meningkat hampir setiap 6 bulan. Kos rasa hidup meningkat akan tetapi nilai kertas ringgit sudah hampir hilang kekuasaannya. “Magic word” ayat keramat DIKURANGKAN SUBSIDI yg tertara jelas di media massa perdana digambarkan kerajaan pusat berusaha selamatkan dana rakyat untuk rakyat tidak dibazirkan dan ianya disalurkan ke saluran yang menbina keperluan sosial hidup rakyat 1 Malaysia khasnya.
Secara jujur taraf hidup rakyat semakin tertekan, tiada pilihan option yg menangkan rakyat diberi. Sebagai contoh rakyat diseru ubah cara hidup berjimat dgn menggunakan pengangkutan awan akan tetapi janji naik taraf kemudahan tersebut agar selesa dinikmat oleh rakyat lebih bersifat kosmetik saja. Kerajaan pusat harus mengelak pembaziran dan tidak letakan keborosan mereka di bahu rakyat dgn potongan subsidi yg secara terus kesan terhadap wang gaji bulan kami.
Gaji Minimun sudah patut di perkenalkan di Malaysia ini. Kuasa pembeli rakyat akan dinohbatkan kembali, dimana nilai kepingan nota ringgit juga kembali nilai kuasanya. Dengan adanya gaji minimum rakyat mampu ubah tarap hidup mengikut kos sara hidup yang setimpal.
GST (Goods and Service Tax) tidak sepatut diperkenalkan pada masa ini kerana ianya lebih disifatkan menyamun rakyat secara sah. GST dimana semua barangan serta perkhimatan yg dibeli atau digunakan oleh rakyat akan dicukai oleh kerajaan . Sebagai contoh tiket bus melaka – ipoh RM 38 kini bila GST di perkenalkan tax di letakkan kepada penumpang maka harga tiket tersebut secara contoh bernilai RM43 . Sepatut bila taraf hidup serta kuasa beli rakyat berapa pada tahap yang bagus barulah GST diperkenalkan sebagai cara kerajaan pusat kumpul dana kewangan yang sepatutnya membela rakyat.
Kerajaan pusat fikir cara terbaik , menjana kembali kemewahan negara yang kaya dgn sumber asli petrol, kelapa sawit dan tenaga mahir rakyat Malaysia. Barang Naik rakyat diseru Ubah cara hidup, rakyat tertekan serta tertindas diseru ubah kerajaan.

UUM – MBA - Melaka

Anonymous said...

Salam Dr Jamal,
Berjimat cermat amalan mulia…kata-kata hikmah pujangga yang dari zaman budak-budak saya sudah mendengarnya. Memang banyak kelebihan dan keuntungan kalau kita berjimat cermat dalam semua perkara. Dalam konteks pemotongan subsidi oleh kerajaan, saya bersangka baik terhadap niat murni kerajaan untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan kerajaan dan seterusnya menaikkan hasil kerajaan sebanyak RM750 juta.Semua adalah untuk kebaikkan rakyat. Alasan yang diberikan juga adalah logik walaupun kedengaran agak longgar iaitu hendak mengurangkan kadar obesiti di kalangan rakyat.
Persoalan saya, adakah penjimatan RM750 juta itu sebenarnya boleh menguntungkan semua pihak? Seperti yang Dr tulis, elakkan 'ketirisan'.
Dalam soal ketirisan, kerajaan harus mengemaskini sistem pemantauan yang sedia ada supaya tidak berlaku lagi ketirisan seperti yang Dr sebutkan.Ketirisan seperti ini akan menyebabkan pembaziran melampau yang merugikan semua pihak terutama rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah yang sememangnya masih perlukan bantuan atau subsidi dari kerajaan. Kerajaan harus 'Ikhlas' dan serius melaksanakan dasar subsidi ini supaya pembangunan yang terancang dan sistematik dapat dilaksanakan untuk rakyat.

Nazree Shafin
MBA Melaka

Rozana Samah (101007) said...


Jika dibandingkan dengan negara jiran, Malaysia boleh dikatakan sebagai negara yang agak kaya...Tetapi, bukan lah yang terkaya....Negara sendiri sedang mencari jalan untuk mengurangkan perbelanjaan dengan pengurangan pemberian subsidi kepada rakyat.

Menurut Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamal, kenaikan kos sara hidup akan membawa kepada penurunan taraf hidup. Tidak salah untuk kerajaan mngurangkan pemberian subsidi dengan syarat kajian yang menyeluruh perlu dijalankan.

Apa yang cuba saya sampaikan disini ialah, Malaysia pelu lebih tumpukan dalam usaha membantu rakyatnya sendiri dalam memastikan Malaysia dapat sampai ke landasan yang terbaik tak kira dari segi sosial mahupun ekonomi.

Dewasa ini, kita dapat lihat banyak agensi-agensi kerajaan mahupun swasta turut serta dalam menyampaikan bantuan kepada penduduk GAZA sehingga sanggup bergadai nyawa. Ini adalah satu usaha yang baik dan murni. Tetapi yang menjadi persoalan ialah adakah segala usaha murni ini, benar-benar murni atau sebaliknya.Adakah 100% bantuan itu sampai kepada yang sepatutnyar?

Kenapa kita tidak dahulukan bantuan kepada rakyat negara kita dahulu? Sedangkan ramai lagi rakyat Mlaysia diluar sana yang memerlukan bantuan sedemikian rupa.

Ibarat kata pepatah, anak kera di hutan disusukan, anak sendiri di rumah mati kelaparan....

Irnee Safia said...

Dear Prof,

The subsidy has been discussed so many times by so many people from the politicians from opposing sides to the consumers on streets complaining about rising cost of living. The truth is, even with all subsidies left intact, the income increment of Malaysian workers are not on par with rising living cost. Reduction of subsidy especially on fuel has an enormous effect on living cost. Fuel is the blood of our modern lives. All products have to be transported and transportation uses fuel. When fuel price increased, so does the total product cost and hence the overall cost of living. The terrible public transportation coverage left us with no choice but driving our own cars and affected further by the subsidy reduction. Although the subsidy will be inevitably discarded, the government needs to ensure that any saving from the subsidy removal is able to be enjoyed by the citizens directly.

Rezzen KL 808553

Unknown said...


Saya setuju dengan pandangan dan pendapat prof. Kos sara hidup yang meningkat tetapi gaji tak meningkat pun. Tak selari kenaikan tersebut. Ini adalah suatu situasi yang tak sihat prof. Sebagai contoh pekerja kerajaan pembantu teknik berpendapatan hanya Rm 1500 sebulan.Bekerja di Petaling Jaya Selangor. Cuba bayangkan sewa rumah apartment RM 700, ansuran kereta RM 500, kalau dikira sudah RM 1200, jadi hanya tinggal rm 300 untuk makan, duit minyak, bil telefon, bil api dan air. Memang tidak selaras dengan kenaikan kos sara hidup. Punca adalah orang yang mencipta sistem ini. Saya mencadangkan supaya keseragaman kenaikan sara hidup dan gaji perlu ada bagi menjana keseimbangan ekonomi negara. Sekian, Nor Irewan Shah Bin Ibrahim 808571

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t Prof Jamal,
Sangat bersetuju dengan Prof mengenai dasar pengurangan subsidi patut dibuat dengan berhati hati dan tidak secara melulu. Memang telah terbukti apabila merosotnya taraf hidup dan peningkatan kos sara hidup akan secara langsungnya meningkatkan kadar jenayah. Mereka yang berpendapatan rendah akan lebih tertekan. Rakyat akan merana. Dengan nilai matawang yang agak rendah, sesuatu perlu dilakukan oleh kerajaan. Mengikut pengalaman rakan saya ketika berada di sebuah negara Eropah, dengan hanya menggunakan 5 euro sahaja, beliau dapat menampung makan minum sehingga seminggu ( bagi keperluan seorang ). Persoalan timbul di dalam diri, kenapakah kita sebagai antara negara pengeluar sumber tenaga terpenting dunia iaitu petroleum, adalah antara negara yang mempunyai rakyat yang merosot taraf hidupnya..........?

-Putra M.D. Ridzuan Rosli-
MBA IKIP, Kuantan

CakapJerr said...

saya cukup tertarik dengan isu ini,
melihatkan persepsi pihak2 yg memberikan komen negatif terhadap pemansuhan ini menunjukkan yang subsidi mula menunjukkan kesannya.
jika kita lihat kejayaan kerajaan sparta adalah kerana rakyatnya yang patrioti,pemberian subsidi menyebabbkan rakyat hilang sifat patriotik kerana dimanjakan kerajaan dengan subsidi.
saya tidak ingin hipokrit,saya sendiri menikmati subsidi,namun sekiranya rakyat patriotik ,rakyat seharusnya berusaha bersama negara . dalam konteks ini saya cuba mengatakan bahawa,kerajaan memansuhkan subsidi bukan untuk kaut unbtung,namun untuk dilaburkan ke sektor lain yg nanti akan menguntungkan rakyat juga. situasi sebegini mengingatkan saya ketika dr M membekukan wang KWSP,ramai yg mengamuk,tapi hari ini kita lihatlah hasilnya....tepuk dada tanya minda

Lim Rong Rong said...

BEEA 3123 Group A

sekiranya upah nominal meningkat tetapi dalam kadar yang lebih rendah daripada kadar inflasi,maka taraf hidup seseorang ataupun satu keluarga dikatakan menurun disebabkan upah benar telah menurun.
sebenarnya saya merasa pihak kerajaan mempunyai objektif tertentu yang hendak dicapai apabila membuat sesuatu keputusan seperti pengurangan subsidi gula dan petrol walaupun pelaksanaan ini akan mendatangkan bantahan daripada sebahagian besar rakyat.contohnya pengurangan subsidi gula adalah untuk mengurangkan penggunaan gula dan pengurangan subsidi petrol juga adalah sama kerana petrol dijangka akan habis pada masa akan datang.oleh itu,kerjasama dan penyelarasan daripada pelbagai pihak diperlukan untuk menjamin pembangunan ekonomi negara.
isu subsidi patut dikaji sebaik-baiknya.ini kerana pengurangan subsidi akan memburukkan taraf hidup masyarakat dan akan membawa kepada masalah sosial dalam negara.